Digital immortality

Digital platform web-sharing services for storing historical and personally significant User information.

Digital Immortality portal allows you to accumulate and store important information about yourself and your loved ones. You can capture places and events and put them on the map. Using a QR code, you can personalize and encode information in the digital Portal store, and then apply this QR code to a monument, plaque, or street address plate, thus creating an informational link between the visible image of the QR code and the digital portal store.

Using the capabilities of the Digital Immortality portal, you can search for relatives, create a family tree of your own kind, write your personal history and the history of your family. This history can be supplemented and edited by the User himself or by someone who he grants this right to.

Information can be bequeathed and transferred for storage to the Digital Heritage database, where it will be opened without a time limit and access based on your digital trigger. The entered data will be saved forever, and it is impossible to forget or lose it. All major life events, the best photos and videos, important documents and records are accessible with a single click, our unique product and QR code that can be applied to any visible surface.

Digital Immortality, history comes to life with us!